Department of BSC-Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science aims to impart high quality education to post-graduate and under-graduate students as well as to carry out cutting edge technology in research on various disciplines of Computer Science.The programmes which are offered by the department focus on preparing the students for wide range of IT careers equipping them with unique experience - moulding tomorrow's technocrats with high calibre.


To become a Premier Institution of Excellence in the field of Computer Science that would develop self-sustaining and globally competent Computer Science Professionals and to facilitate the students to pursue higher studies.

  • To provide a strong theoretical and practical background across the computer science discipline with an emphasis on nurturing and entitlement of computing principles and foundations.
  • Equip the department laboratories with the power of in-demand Technologies and Software for the On-Demand Industry.
  • Impart the students with Ethical values, Critical thinking and Broad based computing skills.
  • Provide necessary opportunities to enable the students to innovate and become Entrepreneurs.
  • To teach professional behavior, strong ethical values and leadership abilities.

Our Core Values
  • We provide students access to a high-quality, world-class education, which allows them to achieve their career goals and aspirations.
  • We create the environment of life-long learning for the students by allowing them to involve in research and development activities.
  • We commit ourselves to the service of people. The product of our education is directly or indirectly benefits the community.
  • We strongly believe in our mission and confident about our professionalism
  • We encourage critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, effective communication, ethical decision making and social responsibility in our students.
  • We through our systematic education programme prepare leaders and responsible global citizens.
  • Our career-focused educational programme provide the highest level of academic excellence to prepare our students with real-world experience.
Syllabus Link
BSC-CS Syllabus

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BSC-CS Syllabus

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BSC-CS Syllabus

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Faculty Details

S.NO Name of the Faculty Qualification Designation
1 Dr.L.Sugirtha MCA.,M.Phil.,Ph.D HOD